Ophelia: F*ck Rehab

Ophelia is an online opioid addiction treatment that (actually) works.

Rehab for Opioid Use Disorder fails 90% of the time. Would you gamble your life on those odds?
F*ck no.

We created a campaign with intentionally incendiary messaging to wake people up and call rehab out. To fight stigma and to get the attention of policy makers who directly affect access to Medication Assisted Treatment at the state and federal levels. 

Because Ophelia didn’t want to join the conversation — they wanted to set it on fire.

With this kind of campaign messaging, it was important to place wildpostings in environments where empty optimism can prevent people from getting the help they need: near churches, rehab centers, legislative offices, twelve step programs — the goal was to show up in places where flipping the script means saving lives.

F*ck Rehab was our answer to a small budget that needed to make a big impact — with real lives at stake. Ophelia also incorporated the campaign's design and messaging across social, web, and in company collateral used for lobbying and outreach (including a fan-favorite rehab/relapse yo-yo.)

HP: Z8 Fury


HP: ZBook Studio